*** YOURLS Changelog ***

This file attempts to list the main changes through all versions of YOURLS. For a much more detailed
list, simply refer to the commit messages: http://code.google.com/p/yourls/source/list

- initial release

- don't remember. Trivial stuff probably.

- don't remember. Some little bugs I guess.

- don't remember. A few tiny stuff for sure.

- added bookmarklet and tools page
- improved XSS filter when adding new URL
- code cleanup in admin/index.php to separate code and display
- added favicon
- stricter coding to prevent notices with undefined indexes
- hide PHP notices & SQL errors & warnings, unless YOURLS_DEBUG constant set to true

- added an upgrader from 1.3 to 1.4
- change in logic: now using a global object $ydb for everything related to DB and other globally needed stuff
- change in logic: include "load-yourls.php" instead of "config.php" to start engine
- change in DB schema: now storing URLs with their keyword as used in shorturl, allowing for any keyword length
- change in DB schema: new table for storing various options including next_id, dropping table of the same name
- change in DB schema: new table for storing hits (for stats)
- improved the installer, with .htaccess file creation
- layout tweak: now prettier, isn't it?
- stats! OMG stats!

- fixed base 62 URLs (keywords with MiXeD CaSe)
- new & secure auth method for API calls, with no need to use login & password combo
- allow SSL enforcement for admin pages
- new API method: stats for individual URL.
- prevent internal redirection loops
- filter and search URLs & short URLs by date

- fixed bug in auth function
- added sample public API file
- added check in API requests for WordPress plugin when adding a new short URL
- prettier sample public interface

- fixed bug no-stats-showing-ffs due to inconsistency in DB schema
- improve error reporting with API method url-stat